
The Pet Freak Family

From the time I can remember, I have had pets at home. Keeping pets was a hobby for my parents. Initially my parents weren’t particular abt the breed but once we children moved away from home and my parents got more time at hand, they tried keeping different breeds (abt 7yrs back). Now we children are happy with the choice of breed my parents have made. For one, these pets keep my parent’s retirement life happy and on the go. Havanese dogs are lovable, active and intelligent. As for Persian cats, like the dogs they are lovable and intelligent but they tend to be more lethargic and less clingy. Other than for the cats and dogs, my parents are into bee-rearing, vermiculture and fish rearing.

I’ll brief out the main members of our cat/dog pet family.

Karambi with kittens
(Courtesy: Reenu Acha John)

Karambi (R) Her Brother (L)
(Courtesy: Reenu Acha John)
Meet the smartest being of our pet family- Karambi (meaning Black girl in Malayalam). I wonder if her mom was cheating on her dad cause she was born to white parents… Anyways, Karmabi has got us liking to the colour black and now we have more black cats.

(Courtesy: Reenu Acha John)

Eegy… U.S. born fella who appears to have a lot of attitude but he would roll over at ur feet when u tell him ‘roll over’. A bit more abt him, he is a foodie who jus loves to eat and sleep and he meows only when hungry. It’s high time we changed his name to Garfield.

(Courtesy: Reenu Acha John)

(Courtesy: Reenu Acha John)
 Meet Kimba… He is my fav lil fella and we share the same birthday- 5th June :)

(Courtesy: Reenu Acha John)
This is Chakki... Eegy’s and Karambi’s daughter and a second mom to Kimba. Dad liked her Persian blue colour and decided to keep her.

L-R: Snoopy, Bruno, Jeny
(Courtesy: Roshan Alexander)
Jeny (L) Bruno (R)
(Courtesy: Roshan Alexander)
Meet Bruno… The most mischievous and intelligent guy of our pet family. It’s difficult to keep him in his cage because he knows how to unlatch the door with the help of his paw and nose. He is one fella who keeps us on our toes because he is always upto some adventure.

(Courtesy: Roshan Alexander)
Meet Julie… She is 3yrs old but has the heart of a month old puppy and I love her for her innocence.

(Courtesy: Roshan Alexander)
Jeny (L), Julie (R)
(Courtesy: Roshan Alexander)

Now this is Jeny… My dad’s pet. Dad named her Jeny in memory of her mom who was my Dad’s first Havanese dog.

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