
Good News!

Born on 16/08/2010
(Courtesy: John P. Kurian)
We give away our puppies/kittens to good homes for adoption once they are 2months old.


  1. I am interested in buying one of the puppies..pls e-mail me your contact details, so that we can have a discussion on this..

    e-mail ID: abiramansekar@gmail.com

  2. Do u still have one of those Havanese puppies?? If yes I'ld love to buy one pls let me know...
    My ID is: neethu3@gmail.com

  3. hi i m interested to have a beautiful puppy from the family....plz contact me at abhishek - 099117222000, or olz provide me ur contact details..my id is coolabhishekyadav@gmail.com

  4. HI,
    I got to know about your blog through a friend in EMC. I saw your mail about cocoa. We are interested in seeing him, please do let me know the details. My email id is rushmevivek@gmail.com

  5. hi,
    do you still have one of those Havanese puppies? If yes i'd love to buy one pls let me know...

    my i.d kshah.kavita@gmail.com

    Thank you


Creative Commons License
This work by Reenu Acha John is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.